So today Mongo had his 6 month check up. All is well. Vital stats. He weighs 15 pounds 9 ounces, and is 27 1/4 inches tall. He's a long and skinny baby. He has met and surpassed all of his markers, he is crawling, babling, pulling up, etc. He's perfect! A genius! I love him! He also got 4 shots today, plus and oral vax, so he's a little fussy, and just went down for a nap. (Hopefully a long one) She wants us to up his feedings, start feeding solids twice a day, I've only been doing once a day so far. He really doesn't like eating. So far he's had: rice cereal; applesauce; avocado; and peas. Tonight I'm going to introduce sweet potato, and in a few days baby oatmeal. We'll get it figured out eventually.
So I'm trying to Fly today, and sadly keep getting sucked back into my computer. See, here I am! Okay, off to go couch diving!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Read a book, it's good for you!

Some one shared this link on a message board today. As a voracious reader, I found it amusing, but sadly prophetic. So many people I know don't read. Or read to their children. At least until they get to school and all of a sudden have to read ten books a week. Mongo loves books, just like his mama. Of course, right now he's much more likely to chew on the book, than read it, but he loves to looks at pictures.
I'll have to start a favorite reads section on here. I just finished a children's series, The Land of Elyon. It was a fun quick read for me, and a good introduction to fantasy for children, think 3rd-5th grade level. Next up on my list is Water For Elephants, it comes highly recommended.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Respiratory Syncytial Virus, other wise known as RSV. Three little letters that can strike fear into a new moms heart. I'm incredibly thankful that so far this dreadful illness has not struck our household, but so many of my friends babies have it right now. One little girl was in the hospital for over a week, with a collapsed lung. Every time I check in with friends, it seems another one has got it. A friend with twins who were ten weeks premature has been advised to not take the babies out in public until APRIL when RSV season is over. Thankfully my little Mongo does not go to a public daycare, but stays with my parents while I am at work. But there are germs everywhere, and I work at a school. Every afternoon I get to my parents house and go strait to the bathroom to wash my hands. Mongo will often hear or see me come in, and start crying for me, but I never touch him before I wash. I really hope we can make it through winter with only a case of the sniffles. Poor babies, my heart goes out to them.
On a lighter note, we've been trying to start Mongo on solids for the past two weeks. We've tried rice cereal, applesauce, and avocados. The rice cereal he will tolerate. The apple sauce, he'll at least try to spit out. But last night, we tried avocados for the second time. I just mashed up a little bit of one with some breast milk. I got two spoonfuls into his mouth, he swallowed a tiny bit, then I hear the ominous sounds of heaving. Once, twice, then uggh, avocado and milk, all over the place. Thankfully I had him in one of those big plastic bibs, so none got on him, but some did make its way to the floor. Next stop, sweet potatoes!
On a lighter note, we've been trying to start Mongo on solids for the past two weeks. We've tried rice cereal, applesauce, and avocados. The rice cereal he will tolerate. The apple sauce, he'll at least try to spit out. But last night, we tried avocados for the second time. I just mashed up a little bit of one with some breast milk. I got two spoonfuls into his mouth, he swallowed a tiny bit, then I hear the ominous sounds of heaving. Once, twice, then uggh, avocado and milk, all over the place. Thankfully I had him in one of those big plastic bibs, so none got on him, but some did make its way to the floor. Next stop, sweet potatoes!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Baby Wearing
So sweet little Mongo is currently cuddled up next to me in a fleece sling. He was kind of fussy this morning, only took a short nap, didn't want to play, didn't want to sleep, just wanted to be held. Well, what is a busy mom to do? Baby wearing is the answer. He's happily curled up against me, almost asleep, and I'm busy on here. (When I should be doing laundry.) I use my slings constantly. They make grocery shopping with an infant easy. I'm moving on to SSC's (soft sided carriers) like Mei Tais and Obi's. The world of baby wearing is huge. Check out for more information.
On more interesting potty related events, major blow out this morning. Yuck, but thank god for Spray n'Wash, that stuff saves all the cutest outfits from the trash can.
On more interesting potty related events, major blow out this morning. Yuck, but thank god for Spray n'Wash, that stuff saves all the cutest outfits from the trash can.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Potty Queen- A Whole New Definition
So I have sadly neglected this blog for the past, oh nine months or so. Things have changed drastically since my last run on sentence about scurrying to find a potty. The little creature who loved to jump on my bladder has since been born, and grown into an amazing 6 month old little boy. Mongo is now the center of my potty attention. Instead of running for the nearest available toilet, I'm searching for a clean diaper changing station. Let me tell you, I know them all! So this blog will be taking a turn, from pregnancy to mommyhood. It will be pottycentric, humorous (I hope) and frankly honest. Feel free to chime in with your opinions, thoughts, worries, or randomness. Just stop by and say hi.
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