Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Potty Dance!

The potty dance can strike at anytime. Be forwarned, it often gives you no idea it is coming on. Sometimes I am perfectly fine one moment, and the next I have to pee so bad I want to scream. If going to the bathroom is strictly out of the question right then (example, you have a library full of fourth graders) the potty dance often helps alleviate the pain and pressure. It has a plus side of making you look absolutely ridiculous too! To properly do the potty dance, you must squeeze your thighs and knees together, keep your feet at least 12 inches apart, and shake your hips from side to side, occasionally doing little hops. As a variation, you can cross and uncross your legs, or squeeze and release your butt muscles (especially if you happen to be sitting, like in a car) Keep this up until you absolutely can't hold it any more, than waddle as quickly as possible to the nearest restroom, trying not to knock anyone over in the process. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Last Night!!!!

Well, I think the baby has changed position on me, because last night I only had to get up to pee twice! Hooray, however, I still didn't sleep very well. I had a dream that I got up two hours early to get ready for work, then woke u p frantic that it was real. It took me forever to get back to sleep. Ohh the joys of pregnancy.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Where to Pee when on the road!

If you're like me, you often can't go on a simple car ride with out having to stop and pee at least once along the way. I was bad before I got pregnant, but now I'm horrible. My poor husband, what was once a simple hour and fifteen minute car ride to his parents has become the ride from hell! I always make sure I go right before we leave. Somewhere around 45 minutes into the ride I'll say something like "I'm going to have to take a bathroom break sometime in the near future." He will then ask how long I can hold out. The answer used to be 5-10 minutes, sometimes even more. These days its getting to the point of, "Oh, that bush on the side of the freeway looks good!" Okay, I haven't actually got to that point yet, but I can feel it coming. Instead it's, when is the next exit. So last weekend I had to stop at some exit we had never used before. My choices were a Jack in the Box, and a Chevron Station. I chose the Jack in the Box, and was quite suprised. Not only was it clean and well stocked, there was an actual live plant in the womens room! Very nice extra touch. I will almost with out a doubt choose a fast food restaruant over a gas station. They are usually cleaner, tend to have multiple stalls, and don't require a key or gas purchase to get it. The only exception to my gas station rule is when there are several large, well known gas stations in the same area. These will normally have very nice bathrooms, I think they compete with eachother. Of course, sometimes you have no choice. Last summer we went to Reno, and I had to use a scary gas station bathroom somewhere on I-80. That was not a fun experience, but I survived. ( I also always have instant hand sanitizer in my purse, and usually kleenex or a napkin or something, just in case) So, when in doubt, opt for fast food. Besides, then you can always grab a soda to go!

Part 4: Nighty Night Time

So this is how my night went last night. I went up to bed a little before 10:00, got ready for bed, peed. I watched a little bit of the news in bed, decided at 10:15 to go to sleep. Oh wait, I had to pee first. Fell asleep, woke up at 10:45! Had to pee again. (We're up to three times alread) Went back to sleep. Woke up at 11:45 to pee, my husband came to bed finally at 12:45, woke me up, guess what... had to get up and pee again. One last time at 2:45 ish, and I finally managed to sleep until my alarm went off at 6:10. For those of you counting, thats 6 times in one night. And some people wonder why I'm so tired all day long! I keep telling myself I wont drink before bedtime, but I'm thirsty constantly, especially right before bed. I'm considering a catheter, then I wouldn't have to get up at least!!!

Part Three

Well, I think I hit a new total at work today. 7 times! I'm not sure if I should be paid for it, but I can't help it. The baby likes to dance on my bladder. So I'm finally at home now, with the comfort of having three whole toilets (or Loo's as Katie says) to myself, and do I have to go, no of course not.
I'm not a huge fan of peeing in public restrooms, but I've gotten better over the years. I always use the paper cover, or if they're lacking, then tp on the seat. I have a hint, I've read several times that when you go to a public restroom that has several stalls, the first stall is always the cleanest. I have no idea why, but I always use the first stall now, and there is almost always covers and tp and no sprinkles on the seat!

Ahhh... relief

So I finally got to pee.... it's such a nice feeling of relief. However, by the time I am done washing my hands, (and yes, I wash my hands everytime I pee) I already had to go again. But that will have to wait for another half hour at lease. I think twice in ten minutes is just too much!

Part 2; BBC Woes

So, for all of my Baby Center Friends, I figured I could come on here and complain about the stupid rules and all the closed threads. I think it is incredibly dumb that we can't use the word vagina in a funny situation on a board about birth!!!! By the way, apparently they thought vagina fart was vulgar, but hello, they do actually happen, hasn't anybody experienced one? I do feel bad about all the British profanity, cause I egged it on, but I figured if it wasn't not allowed, then it was fine. I don't want to leave BBC because I think I have a lot of friends on there, but this is getting ridiculous. I read over all the rules very carefully yesterday, and I don't think we broke a single one by the way. Some one correct me if I'm wrong.
BTW, I really have to pee, but I can't for about 10 more minutes!

The Potty Diaries Part One: Tale of a Preggo!

So I'm currently 24 weeks pregnant. For you non-preggos thats aproximately 6 months. I'm due in the middle of July. My favorite pastime, as of a few weeks ago, is going potty! So I figured since thats all I currently do, I might as well blog about it. By the way, this is my first official blog, so if I break any rules, or do anything dumb, I apologize in advance for it.
I get to work at 7:45 in the morning. It is now currently 12:30 and I've already gone potty five times, with another trip coming up shortly.