Tuesday, January 29, 2008

6 Month Check Up!

So today Mongo had his 6 month check up. All is well. Vital stats. He weighs 15 pounds 9 ounces, and is 27 1/4 inches tall. He's a long and skinny baby. He has met and surpassed all of his markers, he is crawling, babling, pulling up, etc. He's perfect! A genius! I love him! He also got 4 shots today, plus and oral vax, so he's a little fussy, and just went down for a nap. (Hopefully a long one) She wants us to up his feedings, start feeding solids twice a day, I've only been doing once a day so far. He really doesn't like eating. So far he's had: rice cereal; applesauce; avocado; and peas. Tonight I'm going to introduce sweet potato, and in a few days baby oatmeal. We'll get it figured out eventually.
So I'm trying to Fly today, and sadly keep getting sucked back into my computer. See, here I am! Okay, off to go couch diving!

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

Sounds like he's getting to be a big boy quickly! I can't find the link to the board anymore so you need to email it to me if it still exists!